Saturday, November 20, 2010

Here are some pictures and testimonials from Pepsi's first litter, whelped Thanksgiving 2009.

A bonding moment with a pup from her first litter.

"Tug" aka "Green Camo male"

"Tootsie" aka "Purple Girl"

Tootsie Roll is one of the best purchases we have made in our lifetime. She loves to romp whether it be in the sagebrush or the many lakes around our area. If there is anything Tootsie loves more than her family it is water.

Tootsie learned the sit, stay, and come commands within the first months of her life. She is very bright. Of course we are not prejudice! She is in the process of learning to retrieve. Tootsie has no fear of gunshots.

Around people Tootsie is very sociable. She loves everyone. Her health is excellent. Today she weighed 90 pounds. Did I mention she is big and beautiful. We love our dark chocolate very much and wouldn't trade her for a million dollars.

"Sam" aka "Blue girl"

Here are some pictures of Sam. We LOVE her so much! Bailey and Sam are best buds and have the best time together which is great when we're at work during the day. Sam is an excellent retriever, loves to swim, and loves to cuddle. She has a great personality but isn't dominant like we thought she may be (which I prefer). She definitely acts like a little sister to Bailey and picks on Bailey when she is just trying to sleep. Thanks for giving us a great pup!
-Scott and Angie

"Sage" aka "Red girl"

"Remington" aka "Blue Camo Male"

This picture does not do Remington (Remi) justice. He is around 65 lbs. at the time of this picture. This is the perfect size Lab for me. The veterinarian says that he will grow a little bit more. Which is fine with us, just hope not too much more than say 70-75 lbs. At a year old he is turning out to be an excellent dog. We picked up Remi on a cold day in January this year in Boise. From that day on I can say he has been the best pup that we have ever had. We are really in love with this dog. He has an awesome personality and it gets better everyday. At first we were very hesitant having to go through the puppy stage for the first two years. This dog has surprised us. It seems that he is more mature for a dog at age one, than our other dogs were. He chews very little and has only dug a couple of times. Not common to Labs as we all know.

We have started training him for birds and are noticing that he has an excellent nose. He is retrieving ok right now but I think he will get a lot better over the next year. This is probably his only downfall. I usually don't take my dogs into the field this early to hunt them, but I am going over Thanksgiving weekend. I'm sure for this age he is going to do really well. Thanks for the awesome dog.
-The Ross Family

"Gracee" aka "Light Pink girl"

Here are some photos and some info about Gracee...... She is my special girl, and I love her to pieces. She is truly a mama's girl and loves to be where ever I am. I know, I know.... I swore I wouldn't but I did.... yep, she sleeps in my bed with me, she does sleep, loves her playtime.....and gets much exercise. We go to the dog park, hike the foothills or to the park at least 5 times a week, for a minimum of 2 hours.

She is a very good girl, I am blessed that she has NOT destroyed anything in my house and the only damage in my yard are the yellow pee spots.... we are working on that one. She doesn't even chew up her toys......
She is extremely smart, so smart that she has learned that she gets rewarded with treats and lots of praise soon as she does a great job, so it doesn't take her long to listen.

Oh, Oh...... did I mention she LOVES the water.... anything water...... had trouble for a long time keeping her out of the shower with me, now she sits and slowly sneaks her way in right at the end. Anytime we go anywhere, and there is water... it is all over..... she is in there even if I am still attached to the leash.... She truly is a water dog. I joke and tell all that if she had on scuba gear she would never come out. She even dives under looking for rocks or whatever she finds interesting. She has caught a few birds in the yard, but shhhhh.... she doesn't know that I know that they were slightly injured when she got them, she still showed them to me as proud as can be.
She is getting to be a big girl, I took her to the vet and she weights 75 # now.... they said she is good size and to keep her that way.

"Maggie" aka "Pink Camo girl"

Maggie is a great dog. She is great with my kids who are one and four. She doesn't chew up everything in site like most pups. She is a very quick learner. Loves water more than anything and will even shove her head to the bottom of the water bucket outside just for fun. She was retrieving quail wings and a dummy i made with a sock stuffed with duck feathers by ten weeks. She is really fast on water and on land. My other lab can't keep up with her most of the time. She has great boat manners with no training on a boat. She will fetch multiple dummies and she will retrieve them in the order you choose. Her duck blind manner is outstanding. She has patience and does what she is commanded. I think that I have a great dog on my hands and can't wait to she how Maggie turns out in the next two years.
-The Breen Family

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